# Set Shortcut You can set the shortcut via commandline as you install the Tier2Tickets/Helpdesk Buttons software. If you need to update after deployment, these are some methods for doing so. ## From the Device Management Page You can find a tool that will send a command to change your shortcuts on the users desktop on our Device Management page. ![](images/update-shortcut1.png) ![](images/update-shortcut2.png) If the icon is on the desktop and the icon's name matches with the deployment, it will be replaced. Otherwise a new icon will be added to the desktop.
## For a Single Device (Manual) If your predetermined shortcut key isn't working for a specific user, you can change that combination in the Desktop Shortcut Properties menu. ![](images/shortcut-change-menu.png) ![](images/shortcut-change-initial.png) ![](images/shortcut-change-final.png) ## For Multiple Devices (Powershell) The syntax for this PowerShell function is simple: You just list the things you want to change about a shortcut after passing in the shortcut path, i.e. : `Set-Shortcut linkPath hotkey location arguments targetPath` If you only want to change the shortcut you can leave the rest blank so the command will look like this: `Set-Shortcut C:\Users\Public\Desktop\"Helpdesk Button.lnk" f11` ``` function Set-Shortcut { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $LinkPath, $Hotkey, $IconLocation, $Arguments, $TargetPath ) begin { $shell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell } process { $link = $shell.CreateShortcut($LinkPath) $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $_.key -ne 'LinkPath' } | ForEach-Object { $link.$($_.key) = $_.value } $link.Save() } } ``` ### To Remove a Hotkey To remove a Hotkey from use, follow the above process and instead of setting a function key, set the key to null, as following: `Set-Shortcut C:\Users\Public\Desktop\"Helpdesk Button.lnk" ""`