Custom Scripts¶
The that you upload your branding with is where you also upload your scripts. You need to put all your scripts in that zip file as well as any exe’s that your scripts need to run. When the software is launched, it looks for anything matching the name _exec_*.ps1. Whatever matches that name will be run asynchronously.
Each script will start with a working directory of the extracted payload, so any helper exe’s you have in your payload zip file will be sitting right there with it. There is an “upload” folder which is where the output of your scripts need to go. The location of this upload folder is stored in an environment variable named “_uploadDir”. You can save any log files or script output into that upload folder and it will get sent in to be available inside the report.
Be advised: The upload folder is cleared as the software is started to make sure the data pertains to the current submission.
We have a special approach which allows your script output to be appended to the text of the report itself. It works like this: you need to save the output as a ascii or utf-8 text file named *_append.txt in the upload folder. The text therein will be appended to the ticket body. You can make as many of these *_append.txt files as you like and they will all be appended.
Putting all that together, give this a try. Add a file named _exec_test.ps1 to your with this file content:
echo "Hello World" > $Env:_uploadDir\example_append.txt
You should find that this appends the “Hello World” text to your report. Now replace the “Hello World” with whatever data you want to collect and you should be good to go.
General file uploads are supported as well. Any file that is put into the upload folder will be added to the report as an attachment. For example, give this a try.
echo "Hello World!" > $Env:_uploadDir\example.txt
This attaches the file ‘example.txt’ to the report for download. In this case we created the file with the script, but you could, of course, use the script to copy a file that was already on the computer into the uploads folder for attachment.
Additionally, we have an option for triggering a script that runs during install. Just add a file named ‘install.ps1’ to the root of your payload zip and rebuild the MSI. This script will run once as the very last step of the install process. It’s useful for deploying your RMM using the button software.
Since holding down the physical buttons will always trigger a download of your latest built MSI, the install.ps1 option is useful for deploying software to computers just by handing out the buttons and telling people to hold down to install.
NOTE: make sure that the script returns! If your script gets stuck, waiting on user input for example, then the installer will never complete.